How Argonaut Works

We develop technology that connects you to clean and affordable energy. Here’s how it works, step-by-step.

We Track The Grid 24/7


We monitor the power grid 24/7 and classify energy as either clean or dirty.

We tell you when energy is dirty


Energy is dirty when fossil fuel plants are increasing production or starting up.

Empowering action together


By working together and reducing our consumption at specific times, we can prevent these coal and natural gas plants from turning up.

Healthy community & planet


These plants are often just miles from our homes impacting the air we breathe and the health of our planet.

Making real action easy


By connecting directly to your thermostat—and other devices coming soon—turning off fossil fuels and powering your home with the cleanest energy is as easy as a tap.


Track your impact and earn

Track your impact over time and stay tuned for exciting opportunities to earn rewards and payments.

Sign up now

Ready to experience Argonaut for yourself? Choose the cheapest, cleanest energy on demand. Join us in our mission to deliver clean, sovereign energy to everyone.


  • You only need two things to get started! Our app, and a supported thermostat. Once you have both, just link your thermostat account in our app and you’re a part of the Argonaut mission.

  • Currently we only support Ecobee smart thermostats. If you have another smart home device you’d like to see connected, please let us know! We are NOT affiliated with Ecobee, we just like their products!

  • Absolutely. Argonaut is a supplemental, voluntary service designed to empower you to maximize your climate impact and encourage you to become energy sovereign. Participation is voluntary. We are not in control of your energy, you are. We are a technology service designed to help empower and educate.

  • We’ve tried to make climate action and energy sovereignty as easy as possible. We’ll notify you in the Rescue section of the app when dirty energy is powering your home. The app will display the points you can earn. Higher points means a more urgent need for action. Tap-to-clean, and Argonaut will put your thermostat into vacation mode for 15 minutes.

  • Absolutely! We’ve tried to build automation settings to help you balance your impact with comfort and convenience. You can specify hours when you’d like Argonaut automation to be off completely. You can also specify an Argonaut point threshold.

  • We monitor the power grid 24/7. If your zip code is supported, power plants in your area respond to a specific type of economic dispatch algorithm. By utilizing our own proprietary algorithm, we display to you when fossil fuel plants will be ramping—increasing their generation—or turning on. If we join together to collectively reduce our consumption, we can prevent these fossil fuel plants from ramping or turning on.

  • By decreasing our consumption at times when fossil fuel plants are increasing production, we can reduce the amount of energy they will produce, directly offsetting their CO2 emissions.

  • We do not meter your home in realtime, so we use a median estimate of your demand and multiply it by the weighted average CO2 emissions based on fuel mix in your area. We have plans to expand the granularity of this estimation, so if you happen to be an expert in this area please follow this link.

  • Secret sauce :) Argonaut points represent the urgency of need for Rescue. They correspond to the magnitude of increase in generation needed from fossil fuel plants.

    They also form the basis for our rewards program.

  • The Argonaut service is a type of energy Demand Response which may be in use by your energy provider and has been around for a long time for commercial and industrial customers.

    Most consumer-focused demand response programs are opaque—they don’t tell you what’s happening—and they often maximize economic benefit for your energy provider rather maximizing economic benefit for you or climate impact.

    We believe strongly that you should have control and ownership over your energy consumption. Part of our mission is to deliver information to you in a relevant and actionable way.